UDL Data Link Tools Microsoft Activex Data Object
This example shows the method for the OLE DB Data Link database connection string.
Dim conn as DB.Connection
Dim rst as DB.Recordset
Dim sql as string
Absolute path to the UDL file:
Conn.Open “File Name=UDL_filename.udl;”
UDL_filename = The name of the Universal Data Link file as created below:
To create a Universal Data Link:
Create an empty text file using a text editor, such as notepad. Save the file with a .udl extension. Then, right click on the file and select Properties. Fill in the connection specification fields. Here is a snapshot of the ‘connection’ tab of the UDL connection properties editor screen:
‘————– here we use the database connection
sql = “select sales_rep, dollars from sales_by_rep_chart”
Set rst = Server.CreateObject(“DB.Recordset”)
rst.Open sql, conn, 3, 3
Set Session(“mysession“) = rst
response.write rst!sales_rep
Where mysession is any name for the session.
When done with the recordset don’t forget to close it:
set conn=nothing
Microsoft Office VBA, MS Access 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016