Calculate Running Sum Recordset Example
Here is a fairly simple way to calculate a running sum using a DAO Recordset operation. To begin, we have created a temporary table with Absence Dates, and Substitute Teach ID (SubID) – this table was created via a previous query not shown in this example.Our goal is to determine running sum of substitute records based on absence date (teacher was absent and therefore a sub worked in this day).
In the example we used rst!day_count rather than just counting records because the sub can work either 1/2 days or full days (1). Here is the VBA code:
Private Sub Sum_Button_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Sum_Button_Click
Download new method for calculating running sums directly in queries using global variables
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim hold_subid As Long
Dim hold_day_Count As Long
Dim sqltext As String
Dim wksp As DAO.Workspace
Set db = CurrentDb
‘calculate running sum of days worked.
Set wksp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(“Select * from t_Sub_Pay order by subid,absencedate”)
hold_subid = rst!SubID
hold_day_Count = 0
Do While Not rst.EOF
If hold_subid <> rst!SubID Then
‘ note that we reset the counter when a new sub teacher is encountered
‘ new sub teacher
hold_day_Count = rst!Day_Count
hold_subid = rst!SubIDElse
hold_day_Count = hold_day_Count + rst!Day_Count
End If
rst!running_sum = hold_day_Count ‘ calculate runing sum here
set rst = Nothing
exit sub
wksp.rollback ‘ cancel transactions if there is an error
set rst=nothing
resume quit_it
End Sub
Note that this example also uses Transaction Processing – in this case the time to do the running sum processing was reduced by about 75%.
More examples to come soon…
See some additional queries in Access Visual Basic.
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