Interior Design Project Software
Our Interior Design Project Software offers management of all aspects of industrial interior design projects including these specific features:
Project Setup
Project floors & rooms definition and characterization
Furniture database management
Management of furnishings database with pictures
Assignment of furniture to rooms
Definition of furnishing characteristics such as type, model, cost, finish & fabric
Cloning of rooms
Comprehensive reports with cost analysis
Presentation reports
All of our Interior Design Project databases use Access’s built in toolbars and we do not duplicate standards controls such as, new record, next record, etc. if at all possible.
Using Access’s standard feature rather than custom features reduces the cost and makes the database less expensive to maintain and less expensive to port to new versions of Access as they are released. Also, we do not use Macros – we program all form functions using simple visual basic routines and calls to a few subroutines that are required for the database.
Unlike other developers, we don’t load in every function we have developed over time ‘just in case’. Our design practices keep the database consistent and simple to enhance and maintain.
Shown below is the simple user interface for the interior design software. All functions are accessed through tabs across the top of the main menu. No popup forms or nested menus to navigate.
Interior Design Software
The first task in all interior design projects is to define the project characteristics. See the project setup show in the screen below. Project demographics, participants and other project particulars are entered in this form.
Interior Design Database
Below is the furniture component of the Interior Design Database. Each piece of furniture is defined to system and can be carried over from project to project.
In addition to the standard characteristics such as cost, type & manufacturer, up to nine photographic images may also be defined for each piece of furniture. The photographs are stored in a logical manner using the image page (defined at the top of the form) and an assumed sub folder for each manufacturer. The external storage and dynamic insertion of photos on forms and reports keeps the Access database size to a minimum.
At the top of each form you will see a blue background area. The area is reserved for filtering and search capability on each form. This feature allows each form to serve as both data enter and data review forms.
Interior Design Project Software
The designer next selects each piece of furniture that goes into each room. Only unique room setups need to be defined since, further down, you’ll see how we can clone furniture from like room to other like rooms with a few presses of the mouse buttons. Note the popup instructions available on the more complicated forms. This help feature is available simply by clicking on the Show Instructions button. On the right side of the form is a filterable sub-form used to find the furniture to be assigned to the rooms selected on the right side of the form.
Interior Design Project Management
After the furniture has been added to each room in the form above the next step is to clone the furniture to like rooms. These rooms could be on the same floor or on multiple floors. In the form below the user first selects the room to clone on the left side of the form. Then the user activates for form filters on the right side to come up with a list of rooms. The check boxes are checked to select each room into which to clone the furniture for the interior design project.
After the cloning process has been completed then the user can customize room furniture here or go back to the Add Furniture To Rooms tab for complete customization ability.
Interior Design Software Template
The interior design software form below lists the reports available in the basic system. Additional reports can be added on a time and material basis. To run a report the user would activate the filter choices at the top of the form. The default setting is to include all data from all rooms and floors. Note that for those report that contains cost/pricing information the user may choose to either hide or show this information. This is accomplished by simply hiding or displaying the information on the report rather than creating whole new reports for each option – thereby reducing maintenance cost and complexity.
Simply double clicking on a project management report choice will activate the report.
Interior Design
As sample report from the Interior Design Project Management Software is shown below. Note that the photographs are dynamically inserted into the report.
The data in the report can also be exported to Excel by using Microsoft Access’s built in export features.
Interior Design System Software
The last tab in the main menu is perhaps the most important. The List Maintenance tab allows the user customize and add to all of the drop down lists contained on the other data entry form. This feature makes the interior design database highly flexible and customizable to your specific types of interior design projects.