VBA Error Method


Access Error Method Example

Access Error Method – You can use the Access Error method to return the description associated with a Microsoft Access or DAO error when the error hasn’t actually occurred.
However, you can’t use the Access Error method for ADO errors in Visual Basic.

Application Object AccessError method Visual Basic example:

Function ErrorString(ByVal lngError As Long) As String

            ‘ begin Access Error method code

Const conAppError = “Application-defined or ” & _
“object-defined error”

On Error Resume Next
Err.Raise lngError

If Err.Description = conAppError Then
ErrorString = AccessError(lngError)
ElseIf Err.Description = vbNullString Then
MsgBox “No error string associated with this error.”
ErrorString = Err.Description
End If

‘ end Access Error method code

End Function

You should use VBA error handling code in all of you VBA modules, subroutines and functions.  If you use global variables and you do not have error handling in all subroutines then you will lose the values in your global variables when an unhandled error condition happens.


Microsoft Office VBA, MS Access 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016