Event Procedure Examples
Event Procedure visual basic programming tutorials for Microsoft Access. This page provides an overview of our event procedure form programming examples.In this section we will explain and provide examples for Microsoft Access event procedures (aka triggers, flags, indicator bits) which occur in MS Access forms.
Events are often cascaded one after the other. It is important that you understand this concept and we have added a link to Microsoft for this additional information: Order of Events for Access Databases
A form event is an action that is associated with a certain object. MS Access will trigger a wide range of events: mouse movement or clicks, changes to data, open or closing forms, and other activities. Events are most often the consequence of user action. There are 3 sections of our website devoted to different aspects of form design and event procedure programming:
Visual Basic/VBAForm Event Programming Examples (current page)
FormUser Interface Design Recommendations
Form Programming Help for SpecificForm Programming Issues
We will stick to the most common event procedures you’ll need to create interactive forms. Event procedure programming gives you the ability to control all the key functions within Access forms. Many of these events are used in conjunction to add control over user actions within the forms and to provide data security and validation.
Event procedures are also called triggers, indicators, flags, and several other names. These event source code examples show the usage and syntax of the commonly used event procedures.
In Access 2010 Microsoft has expanded Access’s functionality by adding a handful of table-level event triggers. These table events are implemented using macro coding. Now you can program your databases just like the big boys using Oracle and SQL/Server!
Below is a table of contents for our Event Procedure Tutorial. Use the right-side navigation links go to the specific example page.
Event Procedure Examples List Event Example Event Procedure Example Description After Insert Event Procedure AfterInsert event occurs in VBA after a new record has been added to the source table. After Update Event Procedure Afterupdate event is triggered and the entire record is updated and the data is saved in the database. Before Update Event Procedure The beforeupdate event gives you the ability to review the data entered by the user just before it is stored in the database. On Change Event Procedure See the on change event procedure in action. Speed up long dropdown lists using a technique centered on the on change event. On Close Event Procedure Visual Basic On Close event occurs when a form is closed and removed from the screen. On Current Event Procedure The Current event (or On Current event) activates when the focus moves to a record on the form. This action makes this record the ‘current record’. This event occurs after a form is opened, re-queried or refreshed On DblClick Event Procedure On DblClick event occurs in VBA when the user presses and releases the left mouse button two times within the double-click time limit of the computer. On Error Event Procedure Visual Basic Error event gets flagged when a run-time error occurs in Access on the current form. On Exit Event Procedure Help Visual Basic On Exit event occurs preceding the active control losing the focus to another control on the same form. Timer Event Procedure Programming Visual Basic Timer event triggers in a form based on the setting (in milliseconds) of the Timer Interval form property. Access Undo Event Proc Visual Basic Undo event occurs when the user cancels a change to a combo box control, a form, or a text box control. Table Events New with Access 2010 are table level events. See our examples of this useful new feature.
Form Triggers
Table Triggers
Form Flags
Table Triggers
Record Flags
Record Events
Microsoft Office:
MS Access 2003
Access 2007
Access 2010
Access 2013
Access 2016
Microsoft Office VBA, MS Access 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016