Report Filter in Access Queries


Access Report Filter Tutorial

Form Fields as Report Filters

Access Report Filter via a parameter form field.  In the report filtering example we use the Employee_ID selected in filter report example to query selected employee records for a report. Many users and developers would use filters on the report to accomplish this task.

Report filters are ok to use however, putting these paramters in the SQL query for the report usually executes more quickly.  This example assumes that you have a combo box (named: Emp_Combo), as defined in a previous example, in a form called F_Emp.

Filter Report Records Using Form Field Parameter Example:

Select M_Employees.Name, M_Employees.Emp_Number, M_Employees.Address
From M_Employees
Forms!F_Emp!Emp_Combo=0 or Forms!F_Emp!Emp_Combo = M_Employees.Employee_ID;

This SQL query will select a specific employee or All employees for the report filter based on the Emp_Combo in the parameter form (F_Emp).  Note: You could have several combo boxes on the parameter form which would allow the user to filter report records based on a combination of several fields.   This Access report filter method provides a very powerful reporting feature.  (Warning:  Access may attempt to re-write your ‘where’ clause making it non-functioning).

Warning: If you ever want to upsize this Microsoft Access database to SQL Server then you should not refer to form fields within the query.  SQL Server can’t deal with these references.

More MS Access Report Filter Query Examples:

Parameter Query  as Reports Filter

Microsoft Office:
MS Access 2000 Through Access 2016 & Office 365


Microsoft Office VBA, MS Access 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016