Microsoft Access Table Management: Create Table, Create Index, Create User & Alter Table


Table Management for Microsoft Access Example

All SQL compliant relational database management systems provide the user with the ability to manage database objects using special SQL statements – Data Definition Language (DDL).
Microsoft Access offers a subset of the standard (full) DDL features when using a Jet database.  We will review examples for the following database management tasks:

  • Create Table

  • Alter Table

  • Add User

  • Create Index

These DDL statements give the user complete control of the creation and maintenance of tables as well as complete databases.

  • Ability to update table properties using SQL rather than the table design wizard

  • Create temporary tables for complicated reports

  • Combine with visual basic to create tables based on user field/property selection

  • Combine with database creation statements to create entire MS Access databases

  • Distribute update scripts to automatically update table characteristics on remote databases.

Follow the links under SQL DDL Examples heading to find specific examples of using SQL DDL code to create tables, alter tables, indexes, foreign and primary key.
Create Table

Learn how to manage table design from MS Access or Visual Basic.  You can create tables, modify tables, and create indexes and more. Create Index Create or changes table indexes:  creates a non-unique index on the field emp_phone in the Employees table. Alter Table See how to use the Alter Table statement provides you with the ability to ADD/DROP table fields and to change data types as well as modify or create indexes. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Add User Example

The Add User Statement adds one or more users to the current work group information file. Below is the statement syntax:

ADD USER user[, user, ] TO group:

Part Description user The name of the user to be added to the workgroup file group The name of an existing group in the work group file


Microsoft Office VBA, MS Access 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016