Not Operator/Not In/Not Equal/Is Not Null


Not Operator Microsoft Access

The Not command is one of the most commonly used functions in SQL queries. The Not function can be used anywhere you are using a comparison operator such as = (equals), < (less than), > (greater than), Exists, and the In operator.

The example below show a query in Microsoft Access employing the SQL Not operator.  There are three examples on the criteria line:

  • Not Null (is not null)

  • Not = (not equal)

  • Not In (Not Exist)


Here is the same query viewed in SQL View showing the Microsoft Access Not In Query:

SELECT performance_report.Category, performance_report.Date
FROM performance_report
WHERE (((performance_report.Category) Is Not Null) AND (Not (performance_report.Date)=#7/9/2007#) AND ((performance_report.Category) Not In (select category from google_urls)));

The SQL Not operator gives you the exact opposite set of results compared to using only the regular restriction operators (In, =, >, <. etc).

Setup your own test queries and see how easy it is to use the Not SQL operator.

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Microsoft Office:
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Microsoft Office VBA, MS Access 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016