Unbound Forms in Access


Unbound Forms in Microsoft Access

Access Unbound Forms for Data Control & Validation

Unbound Forms are used by our programmers occasionally to create a form with many field validations and user movement control and coordination.  Bound forms can make fine control difficult when controlling field navigation. Access will often take control and attempt to save the record before you want it to be saved. We recommend that you don’t use unbound forms since they require a lot of additional programming.

Below is the setup of the unbound form in design view:

The Save Customer button has about 10 screens of VBA code that validates almost every field on the unbound form for one condition or another.

There are also after update events on many fields in our unbound form example used to catch errors as the data is being entered.  Below is just a snippet of the VBA code to handle the CC Type versus the CC Number fields:

Select Case Me.CC_Type_Combo
Case 1
If IsNull(Me.CC_Number) = True Then
MsgBox “You must enter an AMEX number.”
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(Me.CC_Number) <> 15 Then
MsgBox “The credit card number should have 15 digits.”
Exit Sub
End If
If Left(Me.CC_Number, 1) <> “3” Then
MsgBox “AmEx numbers must start with a 3.”
Exit Sub
End If

Case 3
If IsNull(Me.CC_Number) = True Then
MsgBox “You must enter an Visa number.”
Exit Sub
End If
If Left(Me.CC_Number, 1) <> “4” Then
MsgBox “Visa card numbers must start with a 4.”
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(Me.CC_Number) <> 16 Then
MsgBox “This card type should have a 16 digit number.”
Exit Sub
End If
Case 2
After each field has been validated we can save the record with the Save Record button.  Here is the main part of the code that saves the data to the table… note that Dim statements are missing here:

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(“M_Customers”)
With rst
!Name_Prefix_ID = Me.Prefix_Combo
!First_Name = Me.First_Name
!Last_Name = Me.Last_Name
!Address1 = Me.Address1
!Address2 = Me.Address2
!City = Me.City
!State = Me.State
!Zip = Me.Zip
!Main_Phone = Me.Main_Phone
!Cell_Phone = Me.Cell_Phone
!Fax_Phone = Me.Fax_Phone
!E_Mail = Me.E_Mail
!CC_Type = Me.CC_Type_Combo
!CC_Number = Me.CC_Number
!CC_Exp = Me.CC_Exp
End With

And lastly here is the unbound form in run view:

Microsoft Office Forms:
MS Access 2003
Access 2007
Access 2010
Access 2013

Access Database Templates:

    Microsoft Office VBA, MS Access 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016