Convert to Access 2010


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Convert Excel Spreadsheet to Microsoft Access Database

Spreadsheet & Database Conversion Service

Converting Microsoft 2000 Access to 2003 to Access 2007 to Access 2010 to 2013 is a hot topic at Fortune 1000 companies.  Many companies have delayed expenditures over the last few years and as a result are looking at a major hurdle to installation of the new Microsoft Office suite of products and the new Microsoft operating systems. There are thousands of companies out there who are about to convert their Microsoft Access 97 and Access 2000 databases to Access 2010 or Access 2013.  Our consultants can facilitate the conversion process for you.  Please contact us to discuss your specific circumstances.

We perform database, program and spreadsheet conversion to Microsoft Access. Our Access developers will review your existing relational database design and recommend improvements or we will recommend a complete design for flat-file data and spreadsheets. We can usually migrate all of your data as we convert your program. During this process we often find inconsistencies and errors in the design that we can resolve with your input.

If you have tried to convert an application from Access 2000 to Access 2010 and received some errors about the visual basic code or about some component being corrupt, don’t be alarmed, we can help you fix the problem or do the conversion for you.

Excel spreadsheet conversion to MS Access is not an automated process.  The code and sheet/cell relationships cannot be retained so the new database must be design from the beginning.

Usually the layout of spreadsheet data with columns for different data categories, such as years, part numbers, categories, months, etc. must be reorganized in the tables of a relational database.  Typically column headings such as categories, months and years will be changed to field values in the records on the database.  The result is a flexible and more efficient design.

Microsoft Office:
MS Access 2003
Access 2007
Access 2010
Access 2013

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