Marina Management Software
Those of you that have a sailboat or motor boat have likely called into a marina to reserve a slip for a night or two. You can image the dock master paging through note books and slips of paper scattered on his desk. Our Marina Reservations Software provides a simple-to-use database to automate all aspects of marina reservations management. The marina program tracks individual, group reservations and slip booking assignments with a click of the mouse. Contracts printed on demand with all financial calculations completed accurately. Customer and boat details are retained and automatically summoned for entry into new reservation records. Calculations based on duration of stay, length of boat, and electrical power are all calculated automatically and printed on the slip rental contract.
The screen shots below will give you an overview of the key functions automated with the marina reservations database. The first selling point is the overall user interface demonstrating the use of a simple tabbed interface for all key functions – no popup forms to open and close endlessly. These features save Dock Master time and helps assure accurate data entry.
The main reservations screen manages repeat customers, individual reservations as well as group reservations. Slip available is dynamically determined based on a priority order and availability based on reservation dates. The ability to handle group reservations makes for quick entry and shorter times on the phone with customers.
A single screen provides a complete overview of reservations over a four day period. The dock master may print a report for any day to review reservations on a slip by slip basis out on the dock. User may scroll left or right to see past and future reservations.
Reports can be produced and labels generated for marketing purposes. Repeat customers can be marketed through regular mail or emails.
Access 2010, 2013, 2016